It’s a platform game where you are a little boy, you have to walk and collect plastic bottles to save a big tree that is dying because of the plastic. The character walks in different stages. While he is moving, he has walk to with other bad people, who are polluting, and he must convince them not to pollute and to pretending the environment. 

Before the end of the game the boy has to fight again a giant monster that rappresents the pollution. You have to shun bottles he throws against and to press the key space when you touch it until It’s defeat. You must press twice the green flag before starting the game

key up arrow pressed= jump;

key right arrow pressed= go right;

key left arrow pressed= go left.

To interact with objects and people: press key space while touching the object\people.

This project is by Francesco A. and Tommaso B. , age 12,  2D Secondaria I°- I.C. Foligno 4 "Gentile da Foligno"- PG- Italy. 
We thank “mondocomputazionale”   for the tutorial about a platform game.  


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Really interesting mechanics for a scratch game! Bravo!